Add Your Daycare Today! Parents are Looking for you!

We are the fastest growing daycare directory in California!

A few options to choose from. Starter Pack, Star Booster, and Featured Daycare.

Starter Listing

Protect your Listing and Add Your Website
$ 5
a Year
  • Keep your Listing Up to Date
  • Add either your Website or Social Media Link

Star Booster

Stand out from the rest, become a star daycare!
$ 15
a year
  • You will stand out with our Featured Star.
  • A link to your website or social media account

Featured Daycare

Stand out from get your badge and info area.
$ 15/month Comes with a Featured Area For Listing
  • Your Daycare will be featured in the Featured Daycares Area.
  • You will stand out with our Featured Star.
  • A link to your website (SEO Quality Backlink) or social media account

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Featured Listing

Featured listings stand out more than the others and are placed at the top of each city page. You will also get an area on Meetdaycare with your daycare profile. See what it looks like just click on the featured daycare. See Example 

Star Listing

Star Listings get you to the second place under the  Featured Daycares area and it gives your daycare listing the Star Boost by placing a star next to it and linking your social media channel or website to your listing!

Starter Listing

Starter Listings gets you a basic listing. The small fee we charge is to secure and keep your listing fresh, but also to help support the site and future project releases.

A fast growing daycare directory

Be Seen Online

Your daycare should have a place on the internet. This is one more place to add.

SEO Citation

All about quality SEO citations and adding your website to our site give you just that!

Reach New Clients

Our Directory will popup in your area for parents to see. That keeps you ahead of the game.

Fastest Growing Directory

Yep, we are growing fast! Join now its free.

Proudly Supporting Daycares Everywhere!